MacKillop Chronicles 2023 Term 2, Week 5
Thursday 25 May, 2023

Week 5 is well-being week at MCC for staff and students. Some highlights from the week were lunchtime touch football, chocolates and coffees for staff, stepping out of the classroom, enjoying the sunshine while learning, dancing in the west wing and the Teddy Bear's Picnic. Wellbeing Week is for everyone to breathe, reconnect and reflect on what makes us all feel special.
The Biggest Morning Tea is now in its 12th year at MCC and is still a highlight in the community calendar. It was a busy morning but there is no better way to start a chilly winter's day than with a cuppa and treat in the MCC library. Thank you all for taking the time to stop in and make a donation and have a chat. All funds raised for the morning go directly the support the fantastic work of the Cancer Council Australia. If you would like to make a donation please head to the MCC Fundraising Page.
This Sunday is our first Confirmation session for children Year 3 and above please contact the parish if you would like your child to take part. This is a special Youth mass as we celebrate Pentecost. All MCC families are welcome.
Next Thursday 1 June, Year 10 head off to their retreat in Collaroy to develop a greater individual spiritual awareness, grow in personal faith, bond as a Year group and encourage them to step out of their comfort zone. This is always a highlight for students and we can't wait to hear how you went.
Friday 26 May is Sorry Day, a day in which we reflect on the mistakes of the past, a work toward a better future for all Australians. Next week our students will be learning about the Stolen Generation and reflecting on how we can work towards meaningful reconciliation.
Remember to check Compass for up-to-date news and information on events
and contact us on 7256 2116 for enquiries.
Well-being Week

EALD Survey - We need your help
This is an important survey that we are asking all families from Kindergarten to Year 12 across the College, regardless of background, to complete. If you know of a family where English may be a second language and they may need assistance completing this survey please reach out. The need for this survey is to provide additional support to these families and students.
Please complete the survey here:
Primary Matters

Dear Community,
Sunday’s Gospel Account – Pentecost Sunday
“Jesus stood up and exclaimed, “Let anyone who thirsts come to me and drink. As Scripture says: Rivers of living water will flow from within him who believes in me.” He said this in reference to the Spirit that those who came to believe in him were to receive.”
John 7: 37-39.
Happy Birthday Everyone! Pentecost is known as the birthday of the church. We celebrate all birthdays with great fanfare. At Pentecost, the fulfilment of Jesus’s promise to us was to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit to help us on our journey of faith. For those who believe in him will have his helper with them for all time. We receive the gift of the Holy Spirit at our Baptism through the chrism oil, and this is confirmed during the sacrament of confirmation where we re-commit to our faith in God. Be filled with the Holy Spirit. Have faith that the troubles you now face will all erode away with a faith in Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord.
Kindergarten visits the Church to Learn about Baptism
As part of their Religious Education unit of work, Kindergarten visited the church and in particular the Baptismal font. Tim Snelling our REC spoke to the children about Baptism and the water and oil used by the priest in this sacrament.

National Simultaneous Story Telling
Yesterday the students were treated to a story by Rebecca Young titled: ‘Speedy Sloth.’ This story was read all over Australia in schools that participated in the Simultaneous Story Telling initiative. This was a wonderful narrative about having a go regardless of ability level. It is a feel-good message that we all should encourage amongst the children. Life as we know is pretty tough. The people who do well in life accept the cards they are dealt and do the best they can with the hand given. My thanks to Mrs Martin and the library staff for bringing the world of literature to children.

Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea
Again run by our fabulous library team, the whole school community participated in the Biggest Morning Tea to raise much-needed funds for the Cancer Council of Australia. We all know someone who has been touched by cancer. It is one disease that does not discriminate. If any families wanted to still contribute to the funds raised this morning, Georgina in the library would gladly add to what was raised this morning. You can also donate online at the MCC Fundraising Page.

Broken Bay Cross Country
Congratulations to the 11 Primary students who represented MacKillop & the Central Coast Cluster at Tuesday's Broken Bay Cross Country at Galston. Exemplary sportsmanship & fabulous personal best performances were on display amongst top opposition & on a challenging course. Special mention to Georgia H Year 6 who has now qualified for the NSWCPS Cross Country after placing 6th in her event. Well done to Carter Year 3 and Scarlett Year 6 on their top 10 finishes also. We are so proud of you all.

Award Assembly tomorrow @ 1:20 pm
This a reminder to all parents that an open invitation remains for assembly times each fortnight where we celebrate the clever work of the students over the preceding weeks. These are held in the hall, all are welcome to celebrate with us.
Mid-Year Reports
Semester 1 reports will be uploaded to Compass for parents, on 16 June with the following week set aside for mid-year interviews. In the coming weeks please look out for an online booking form for you to book in your time to meet your child’s teacher.
Whole of Diocese Staff Development Day Friday 30 June
Please be aware that every school in Broken Bay will conduct a whole Diocese student-free staff development day on Friday, 30 June. These days are run by our Bishop and the Director of Schools.
Window to enrol closing very soon.
Our quota for 2024 Kindergarten is just about complete, so this really is the final call for enrolment forms to be returned to avoid disappointment.
A Thought for the Week…
“Why destroy your present happiness by a distant misery, which may never come at all? For every substantial grief has twenty shadows and most of the shadows are of your own making.” Smith
God Bless,
Frank Cohen
Primary Principal
Counselling and Wellbeing Services Survey
Catholic Schools of Broken Bay are asking all Parents in our school community (primary and secondary) to please complete this brief survey to get a better understanding of the needs in our community.
Please complete the 10 min Parent Survey here: School Counselling and Wellbeing Services Survey
Secondary News

The 24th of May is the Feast Day of Mary, Help of Christians and she is also the Patro Saint of Australia. One of Our Lady’s oldest titles is “Mary, Help of Christians.” St. John Chrysostom used it as far back as 345 A.D.
O most holy Mary, immaculate Virgin Mother of God, and Patroness of Australia, Queen of all the world and Help of Christians graciously have regard we pray Thee, for the safety of our Nation. Once in a world at peace, we choose Thee as Patron. Now, when there is no peace, we beseech Thy powerful protection. Mother of God, save us from the Godless. Queen of all the world, reign in our land. Help of Christians, help us now and at the hour of our death.

Students of Concern:
As planned, at the end of Term 1 and this term the Middle Leaders are now working each morning during the 30 minutes of Pastoral time to touch base and assist students for whom teachers have recorded they are concerned. This could be poor attendance, behaviour, not being prepared for class, working hard but not improving, difficulty with completing tasks and the list continues. This time allows the Middle Leaders to try and understand why the student is struggling in this area and to put plans in place to assist.
Up until now, the Leaders have been assisting the seniors but as of this week, they will be working with our Juniors who have been nominated by our teachers. So far this has been very successful as relationships are being created and deepened to assist our students who do not find school an easy path.
Red Earth Immersion Reflection Night
Last Tuesday all the families of the students who attended this immersion met at school to hear stories and reflections about this trip. As expected, the immersion had a deep impact on many of the students for many different reasons and it was a privilege to listen to the reflections, to see pictures and to share joys and challenges.
Hopefully, this immersion will continue in the future so that other students may experience learning about our first people’s lives and this beautiful land which we share with them.
Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week
Every May 26, tomorrow, in Australia, National Sorry Day reminds the colonist-descended people of the nation to remember the mistreatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Why? During the 20th century, Indigenous children were forcibly removed from their families to be “assimilated” into white Australian culture. They are known as the “Stolen Generations.” It took several Australian government administrations coming and going before an apology was officially offered to the Indigenous Australians, but it finally was made official, and actions are still being undertaken to this day to repair the damage caused by tearing native families apart.
National Reconciliation Week (NRW), 27 May to 3 June, is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
The theme for National Reconciliation Week 2023, Be a Voice for Generations, encourages all Australians to be a voice for reconciliation in tangible ways in our everyday lives – where we live, work and socialise.
For the work of generations past, and the benefit of generations future, let’s choose to create a more just, equitable and reconciled country for all.

Student Leadership:
In P6 this week we spoke to Years 7 - 9 about Leadership opportunities for 2023/24. All students need to do if they are wishing to apply for a Leadership role is let their Pastoral teachers know. Voting will occur in weeks 9 and 10 of this term.
Volunteer Stall for Coast Shelter Erina Fair:
Earlier this week, Coast Shelter invited our students to assist with handing out flyers at their stalls at Erina Fair and Westfield Tuggerah in celebration of National Volunteer Week. The stalls provided information to the community about the many volunteer roles that Coast Shelter offer. Our students were fantastic helpers, though a little nervous to start with, they engaged really well with the community, even encouraging a number of new recruits to volunteer in the Kitchen! We're so proud of their efforts!

Our MCC girls travelled to Bathurst last week for the NSWCCC state carnival. This is the second year our girls have attended, and it is exciting to see a hockey program developing at our school. On Tuesday we played a junior boys team that had several experienced and talented hockey players, we lost 4-0. Later that day we played Red Bend from Forbes, an experienced and well-balanced hockey team. The result did not represent the effort our girls showed during the game. An afternoon around Mount Panorama and a team dinner were a great way to finish the first day.
Wednesday started early, breakfast at 6:30 am, then to the bus and off to the field for the 8 am game. The team set one main goal for the carnival which was to at least score a goal - something we did not achieve last year. Wednesday morning MCC were 2 all with St Scholastica until 5 seconds left when they scored to win the match. This gave our girls confidence in the final game.
To their credit they ran, tackled and supported each other for the whole game, coming away with our first win against James Sheehan Orange 5-1!
A massive thank you to Lachlan M for coaching the team again and Mr O' Malley for getting us to Bathurst and home safely. A huge thank you to Mrs Mylchreest who organised and managed this team and did a wonderful job.
The girls represented our school with pride both on and off the sporting field. They showed sportsmanship, resilience and determination. Well done girls, you have made MCC proud!
As an extra note, on our way to Bathurst, we were very excited to get the news that Alana M, Emma J, Emma B and Lachlan M had all been selected for the NSW CCC hockey teams that were trialling while we were travelling to Bathurst. Well Done!!

Afternoon Traffic:
Just a reminder to parents not to block the roundabout on Mary MacKillop Road. This is resulting in many complaints coming into the College, but it is also illegal. With all the accidents on the news over the last week, we really need to be patient whilst around schools and also role model good behaviour and driving skills around our children.
P&F Formation Meeting:
The Leadership team are presently working through the information and suggestions given at our first parent forum and will soon organise a follow-up meeting to plan further how we can ensure all our parents feel welcome at our College and we can work in partnership to create an even more united community.
New Phone System:
Our new number is 72562116. We do expect issues and problems may arise for the next few weeks so please be patient whilst we work through any hiccups with the new system.
Important Dates for Term 2 Week 6:
Mon – Saturday- Reconciliation Week
Wed – Stage 4 Debating
Thurs – Fri – Year 10 Retreat to Collaroy
Fri – Year 11 Leadership nominations forms due / Stage 6 Japanese excursion.
Sat – Japanese speaking rehearsal day
Sun – Trinity Sunday
Heads Up for Events this term:
- Our Winter Appeal:
Every year we support the St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal, and we make the collection of items as part of the Mini Vinnies and Mini Macs program.
Please keep an eye out for the products and foods that are being asked for by our local charities. Primary and Secondary will be asked for different products and each House in Secondary will be asked to supply specific foods etc.
Secondary will be asked to donate their items in Pastoral up until Friday, 9 June Week 7.

- Parent-Teacher Meetings:
Just a heads up that Semester 1 Reports will be sent later this term and then Parent Teacher Meetings will be held on Thursday 22 June from 1.30 pm to 8 pm and all-day Friday 23 June from 8.45 am to 3.30 pm. COMPASS is now open to make interview times for our Year 11 and 12 students. Directions on how to make the interviews are on COMPASS.
Interviews will be open for our Juniors from Monday 5 June.
- Staff Training in June
All staff in our Diocese have to undergo Safeguarding Training this year. For the Secondary Staff, this has been organised by Catholic Schools Broken Bay on Thursday 8 June from 1-3 pm. Therefore, there will be no Sport that Thursday and all students, 7-12 will be able to go home at 1 pm. We will have supervision for those who cannot arrange to leave at this time.
Final Word
If you have any questions or concerns always, please contact the College.
Remember to check COMPASS, our website and, our Facebook pages for information.
God bless.
Debra Ferguson
Secondary Principal
Getting to know Sr Jiji
Name: Sr. Jennifer Canillas, OSA (Sr. Jiji- nickname)
Vocation: (Perpetual) Professed Religious Nun
Hobbies: Volleyball, badminton, playing guitar and hand percussion, reading, watching movies, beach walking, and gardening
Hopes for the future: That young people will take heed and be courageous to respond to the inner calling of their vocation that God planned for them
Most looking forward to at MacKillop in 2023: Journeying with my MCC community full of hopes and supporting one another in the midst of challenges.
But did you know Sr JiJi moved to Australia from the Philippines? She arrived in Australia on 3 Aug 2019 as her first foreign mission- assignment and MCC was her first assignment.
Sr Jiji has 3 siblings and she is the 2nd oldest. Sr Jiji went to a Catholic School just like MCC students from kindy to Year 12. Then went to a Catholic University to continue her studies and gained a degree in Bachelor of Arts - Psychology. All Catholic Schools in the Philippines are managed by either a congregation of Religious Nuns or Ordained Priests/ Brothers. At Sr Jiji's school and many like it in the Philippines every class always starts and ends with a prayer and everyone becomes a prayer leader of the day.
While Sr Jiji is studying she is also an active Junior Catechist volunteer (SRE), she also volunteers to be a junior catechist and once a week teaches catechism to primary students at public schools. Sr JiJi loves to see children grow as they learn about Jesus and find the value of prayer and love for others.

Healthy Eating and Active Living

Trash & Treasure - Donations welcome