MacKillop Chronicles 2023 Term 2, Week 9
Thursday 22 June 2023
Changes to School Fee Payments
EALD Survey - We need your help
Primary Matters
Little Lighthouse Playgroup
Secondary News
Information Evening for Sister School Host Families
Winter Appeal
Youth Group and Mass
Conor W, Streaming now - L.M.N Tree
Getting to know Mrs Chrystal Price
A Future Career in Digital Enablement
Go4Fun - FREE 10 week healthy wellbeing program
Uniting - Wagtales Newsletter
Healthy Eating and Active Living
CatholicCare Vacation Care
P & F Follow-Up Meeting - June 26
COMPASS Sign-in Update
Thursday 22 June 2023

On Friday 16 June, approximately 150 students, staff and guests attended the annual Vinnies Winter Sleepout. An amazing turnout in support of those doing it tough at this time of year. Please see Secondary News for more details of the night.
MCC Primary also took part in the Sleepout and wore Oodies until 5.30 pm. During this time they too learnt about homelessness and social injustices.
JUMP students attended Toukley Neighbourhood Centre FOOD Care to help out as well as deliver some of the homemade soup that was left over from the Sleepout which was put into takeaway containers for delivery - these will be used in their emergency hamper packs.
12 MCC students attended Camp Breakaway this week and supported a group of adults living with disabilities to participate in their Special Olympics event. The adults have a range of disabilities including intellectual, physical and vision impairment. Our MCC students helped out with games, cheering and were lunch companions for the clients. The smiles on everyone's faces say it all! The next session for students who wish to attend is in August next term. Contact Ms Baxter if you wish to join the next group.
The MacKillop Primary Vocal Group were invited to sing at the NSW Police Tuggerah Lakes District Medal and Awards Ceremony at Wyong Council Chambers on Thursday. Read the full story, along with pictures and video in Primary Matters.
Our students in KM had a great time learning about and creating Indigenous artwork this week with Mrs Cheney. They learnt about how the images seen in these artworks tell a story and then had the chance to create one of their own.
Remember to check Compass for up-to-date news and information on events
and contact us on 7256 2116 for enquiries.

Changes to School Fee Payments
Changes to payment method of School Fees via Qkr and Direct Deposit from Term 3 2023
Catholic Schools Broken Bay is moving to a new finance system and there are changes to the following payment methods:
Qkr Payment of school fees via Qkr will no longer be accepted from Term 3 2023.
Direct Deposit If you have an arrangement in place to pay your school fees via Direct Deposit to the school bank account, this facility will not be available from Term 3 2023.
Our preferred payment method for payment of school fees is BPay and your monthly Fee Statement includes the BPay Reference number and Biller Code. Catholic Schools Broken Bay Biller Code accepts BPay payments from a credit card.
We thank you for your support as we transition to the new finance system.
EALD Survey - We need your help
This is an important survey that we are asking all families from Kindergarten to Year 12 across the College, regardless of background, to complete. If you know of a family where English may be a second language and they may need assistance completing this survey please reach out. The need for this survey is to provide additional support to these families and students.
Please complete the survey here:

Primary Matters

Dear Community,
12th Sunday Ordinary Time Gospel Account
“Everyone who acknowledges me before others I will acknowledge before my heavenly Father.
But whoever denies me before others, I will deny before my heavenly Father." Matthew 10: 26-30. This Gospel reading lays the cards out on the table. You either buy in or you do not. And for those who do buy into believing in Jesus, you are assured of eternity. None of us will get out of this world alive. It is a matter of knowing what is to happen to one’s soul. Is life about collecting trinkets, tickets, testamurs and titles? Even Buffet, Gates and Murdoch cannot take their worldly gains beyond the grave. We have been given a gift – the gift o faith. Alleluia to that!
Second Step SEL Program
Last week Year 2 students learnt to expand their understanding of emotions. Young children may misinterpret how someone feels if they assume others react and feel the same way they would. Understanding that people can have different feelings in similar situations and that these feelings can change, helps students develop empathy.
Year 2 really enjoyed listening to the empathy song. Good work Year 2!
You can watch the video here: 2 Grevillea Second Step learning

Year 5 / 6 Soccer Gala Day
Students in Year 5 / 6 will participate in the Central Coast Catholic Schools gala day this Friday. We wish all the children well. Please ensure children have shin pads. For those who do not the school recently purchased 50 pairs for use. Slip, slop and slap, plus hydrate and the day should be a cracker!
Kindergarten Enrolments for 2024 are Full.
We now are unable to take any more enrolments for kindergarten 2024 and there are virtually no spots left in the other grades. We have waiting lists so please alert the office if you are thinking of leaving MacKillop.
Student Learning in Action
Mrs Kenney spent time today with Dara, Louie and Ryan in our Religious Education reflection time, the students created a church using blocks.

Year 6 Debating Competition
Today we hosted St John Fisher, Tumbi Umbi in the next round of the Year 6 Debate Competition. It was a great debate between the 2 schools with MacKillop taking the side of "For". The Topic was 'Should children under 13 have access to social media'. Although MCC had many positive benefits why they should, St John Fisher had a stronger argument against, and took the win. Congratulations to all the debaters today.

Primary Vocal Group
Today our Primary Vocal Group were invited to perform the National Anthem and A Million Dreams at the NSW Police Force Award Ceremony at the Wyong Council Chambers. Our soloists Ella G, Emily G, Isabella L and Macy G were sensational and thank you to Mrs Leanne Schillert-Broadley for conducting them today. You can watch a video of the performance here: Primary Vocal Group 'A Million Dreams'

Collaborative Coaching
One of the innovations in our school that does differentiate us from others in the local area is our weekly teacher coaching rounds, which we know have made a great difference to the learning outcomes for students. Under the guidance of Mrs Kenney, Mrs Shilling and Mrs Whitmore grade teachers are released for two hours to discuss the Maths and English work taking place in each class. Student data is discussed, and results are analysed to focus on areas of challenge. The teacher experts along with the class teachers then design the next lot of learning for the students.
Behaviour Management of Students with High Needs
Our school has many students with challenging needs, including children from trauma and violent backgrounds. Such children have behavioural management plans informed by the external experts who sit with us to design work, boundaries, consequences for poor behaviour and management guidelines. For some parents who do not have children with such a diagnosis, their view of the world often insists that such children do not belong at MacKillop. If only it is that simple!
When a student is asked to leave, or an agreement has been reached with parents and other schools for placement, it is really the last resort and all other avenues have been exhausted.
Not every child is born with the same background and set of genes as others. Some backstories of some of the children in our care to say the least are quite sad. As a Catholic school, we have a duty of care to everyone. We also have a Christian and moral obligation to model, teach and guide students and their families - that leads to a better future. God gives us the strength to do our absolute best for all!
Parents and Friends K – 12 Meeting in the Library Monday 26 June @ 6 pm
This meeting will focus on the collation of material from the previous meeting and to chat about the events moving forward in 2023. All are welcome.
The Awards Assembly is postponed till Thursday 29 June @ 1:20 pm in the hall.
Staff Development Pupil Free Day
A reminder that the last day for students this term is Thursday 29 June. On Friday 30 June all Broken Bay Catholic Schools Staff must attend a system-wide staff development day.
A Thought for the Week…
“It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.” J.K.Rowling
God Bless
Frank Cohen
Primary Principal
Little Lighthouse Playgroup

Secondary News

Prayer: For Parent-Teacher Interviews
Thank you, Lord, for the love you have for us and thank you, Lord, for allowing us to be here today and tomorrow in these parent-teacher meetings. There are a lot of issues ahead of us that we want to discuss that touches on our children. We pray Lord that you give us wisdom and knowledge so that as we deliberate on this, we may be able to find solutions that will bring harmonious development of our children. At these meetings, we pray for your presence to be with us and abide with us until we conclude the meetings.
We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus.
Youth Mass:
This is an invitation to our monthly Youth Mass here at MacKillop. We are unashamedly a faith community and would love to strengthen this as a K-12 College and parish community.
Please come along to celebrate Mass together this Sunday, June 25 at 5 pm. The Youth Group starts at 4 pm.
Student Leadership:
During the last 2 weeks, students in Years 7-10 have been nominating for Student Leadership. Next week, on Tuesday during Pastoral, all the Houses will meet, hear a short 1-minute speech from each nominee and then vote. We admire and thank all those students who have nominated and wish to be a voice for their peers and to work towards an even greater community. Good luck to them all.
2023 Battle of the Chefs
The eighth annual ‘Battle of the Chefs’ competition was hosted by St Peter’s Catholic College on Wednesday 14 June 2023. Students in Years 11 and 12 undertaking the Stage 6 NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Vocational Education and Training (VET) course in Hospitality – Kitchen Operations and Cookery were invited to participate in teams of three.
For the second year, students were presented with a Mystery Box Challenge for the main course. Students were given just 60 minutes to plan and design their menu once the ingredients were revealed and then had 3 hours of cooking time before serving up their main course followed by the set menu item, a Red Wine Poached Pear with Sauce Anglaise and Sesame Nougatine. Once again students exceeded expectations displaying excellent teamwork and a comprehensive display of cookery skills.
We were represented so well by Olivia D, Patrick E and Megann J-M.

Parent-Teacher Meetings:
These meetings are being held this week and we hope all parents will be attending. We thank all those parents who understand how important these meetings are and have made appointments.
AJASS Conference (The Association of Josephite Affiliated Secondary Schools)
Last week I had the great privilege of attending the annual AJASS Conference that commenced in Melbourne and went on a pilgrimage to Portland and Penola. This was attended by Principals from every state in Australia and NZ who teach in Josephite schools.
Each day is spent learning even more about Mary MacKillop and her family and associates. We visited Penola where she commenced her first school and the school that still exists there today. There is also a wonderful Heritage centre at Penola that houses a museum for Mary MacKillop and Julian Tenison Woods.
We also visited Portland at the school and Church where she first commenced her teaching career.
On our way back to Melbourne we visited the mines where Julian did a great deal of scientific work and then to Alexander MacKillop’s grave (Mary’s father).
Between these visits, we had time to reflect with Sr Rita, a Josephite sister, about Mary, her work and how we can ensure we continue her vision of Catholic education for all, especially the disadvantaged and marginalised.

Outside Mary’s school in Penola
after they left the original stable school

Inside Mary’s School
Wellbeing Week for Students:
Last week our Year 12 Student Leaders ran the student wellbeing week and it was a great success. Below are some pictures of the Trash and Treasure event allowing students to donate clothes they no longer required and to be purchased very cheaply by others with all money going to St Vinnie's. All garments left over were also donated.

Winter Sleep-out:
On Friday 16 June, approximately 150 students, staff and guests attended the annual Vinnies Winter Sleep-out. During the week leading up to the Sleep-out, our Mini Vinnies and Year 12 Parliament were instrumental in leading and organising a number of well-being activities, as well as fundraisers. These included writing affirmation cards during Pastoral, a Trash and Treasure Stall and also included fun and games in the Hall during Breaks.
The Sleepout began at 5.30 pm with ice-breakers and music in the CA, before everyone headed into the Theatre to listen to the guests speakers. Dennis Brady, Regional President from St Vincent de Paul, opened the event and provided context around what Vinnies does in our local community. He also talked about some of the ways in which we can assist and support. Mr David Harris congratulated all of the students for their dedication and commitment to the cause and encouraged students to be ‘leaders of change’ and activists for social injustices. There were also presenters from local organisations; Toukley Neighbourhood Centre and Coast Shelter, as well as NSW Police Family and Domestic Violence, who provided further insight into the harsh realities that many in our community face. Kristy Drower spoke passionately about her recovery and journey as a victim of DV. Andrew English was our final presenter, sharing his personal testimony about his experiences with homelessness and drug and alcohol addiction. After the formal presentations, everyone headed into the Hall for a supper of yummy soups cooked by the amazing MCC Staff and then a few rounds of trivia.
At 9.30 pm the juniors departed the college as the second session began. This session was for senior students only, Years 10 -12. Once all of the presentations and activities were complete, students received a cardboard box. These could be used to sleep on, though some students preferred to work together, combining all of their boxes to create a mega-shelter. It was a VERY cold Friday night with temperatures plummeting to just 3 degrees. Although the students were well prepared with many layers of clothing; beanies, gloves, warm jackets as well as a sleeping bag, it was still an uncomfortable night spent out in the elements. This experience certainly demonstrates how lucky we are to have a roof over our heads and a warm bed to sleep in at night.
We hope that our Winter Sleep-out Event has provided a valuable experience for our students; to raise awareness about social injustices and to foster a culture of compassion and empathy.

Conor Wells, Year 11, he has been with us since Kindergarten and he is now in Year 11.
We congratulate him as his first song has made it to Spotify. His band "L.M.N Tree” recorded it earlier in the year for the ‘Heard Community Music Project' run by Central Coast Council. He is the drummer in the band and they were tasked with writing a musical response to the recent flooding throughout the Central Coast region.
They were successful amongst all the entries and earned a recording session in a professional studio as well as a range of industry development tools such as interviews, photoshoots and a cash prize too.
Have a listen by searching for this song on Spotify. She Cries by L.M.N Tree
Parents and Friends Upcoming Meeting:
We will be holding our next meeting to review how we would like this organisation to work on Monday, June 26 at 6 pm. We are encouraging as many parents as possible to attend this meeting and so appreciate the work started by the parents who attended the first meeting earlier this term.
Important Dates for Term 2 Week 10:
Mon- Pathways Hospitality Excursion / WYD Formation Session
Tues – In Pastoral the Leadership speeches /TAS talks to 8 and 10 in P6
Wed – College Captains 2023/24 interviews / House Winners Day
Thurs – College Captains 2022/23 to Parliament House / Yr 11 at RYDA / RSA & RSG Training / Students' last day
Fri – Diocesan PL Day for all Staff
Heads Up for Events this term:
New Phone System:
Our new number is 7256 2116. We do expect issues and problems may arise for the next few weeks so please be patient whilst we work through any hiccups with the new system.
Final Word
If you have any questions or concerns always, please contact the College.
Remember to check COMPASS, our website and, our Facebook pages for information.
God bless.
Debra Ferguson
Secondary Principal
Information Evening for Sister School Host Families

As we haven't had students visit from Japan in many years, there will be an information night for parents who are hosting the Sister School Students.
The date is the first week back on Wednesday 19 July at 6:30 pm in the Japanese rooms. The sister school arrive the following Monday 24 July.
Please confirm your attendance with Mrs Beech at or Mr Kilham at
Winter Appeal
We are still collecting for our Winter Appeal so please keep sending in these important staples to help support organisations such as Vinnies and Toukley Neighbourhood Centre FOOD CARE. Items needed are posted on the Grade Pages on Facebook also.

Youth Group and Mass

Conor W, Streaming now - L.M.N Tree
Below is a link to his first song to make it to Spotify and Youtube. Add it to your playlist!
Have a listen below and congratulate him if you see him around.
Getting to know Mrs Chrystal Price

Name: Chrystal Price
Occupation: Religious Education Coordinator
Hobbies/ Interests: Reading, nature/beach walks and watching Netflix when I get a chance.
Hopes for the future: I would love to travel more and maybe further study. I also pray and hope for peace in the nations that need it most.
Most looking forward to at MacKillop in 2023: To celebrate 20 years of MCC on Mary MacKillop's feast day and celebrating the amazing achievements of the Year 12 students at their graduation.
But did you also know, Mrs Price originally grew up in Western Sydney and taught at Patrician Brothers Fairfield before coming to MCC in 2008, and has been with us now for fifteen years?
After coming to teach at MCC moved to the Central Coast then in 2011 married her high school sweetheart.
In 2014 Mrs Price went on to complete a post-graduate degree and now has a Masters in Theology, it wasn't to become a REC (Religious Education Coordinator) though, she says she just really enjoys studying and learning.
She loves to travel and feels blessed to have visited many countries. Meeting new people and trying different foods in a passion of hers.
Mrs Price is not going to WYD this year but did attend WYD Brazil in 2013 as a teacher pilgrim saying 'it was honestly one of the best experiences of my life' and will always encourage staff and students to go to explore their faith deeply through pilgrimage opportunities.
A Future Career in Digital Enablement

Catholic Schools Broken Bay have introduced an exciting opportunity as part of their “Year 13” initiatives for CSBB students, including those at Mackillop Catholic College who are interested in a career in IT.
Interested students were given the opportunity to learn more during a lunchtime session.
More information can be found at fbclid=IwAR0xdJLboXmXe0cPBzNuZ3vFRABf9Rm1fEPH55y19BD5MaMUdSkQ3h3GA28
Go4Fun - FREE 10 week healthy wellbeing program
Go4Fun is a FREE 10-week healthy well-being program for children aged 7 to 13 to enjoy along with their families. Please contact 1800 780 900.
Run by top-trained health professionals, it’s a fun way for kids to build self-esteem and learn about eating well, staying active and living a healthy life.
Term 3 programs will take place at:
Lake Haven Recreation Centre, Tuesdays 4 pm–6 pm (Aboriginal program for everyone run by Bungree)
Gosford Olympic Swimming Pool, Wednesdays 4 pm–6 pm
Bateau Bay Neighbourhood Centre, Thursdays 4 pm–6 pm
To register, visit or call 1800 780 900

Uniting - Wagtales Newsletter
Welcome to Uniting's, July edition of Wagtales newsletter. Please feel free to share this with your families and colleagues.
This edition has information on various school holiday activities, plus a range of support services and programs that will be running in term 3.
Healthy Eating and Active Living

CatholicCare Vacation Care
Vacation Care program for July is now available
CatholicCare’s Vacation Care service offers a wide range of activities catering to children of differing ages and interests. We also head out and about on various fun local excursions each holiday. We provide a stimulating and enjoyable environment and activities that harness the children’s interests and strengths while respecting their leisure needs. The July programs are available here We hope to see you there!

P & F Follow-Up Meeting - June 26
We had a very encouraging number of both Primary and Secondary parents at our first meeting to re-imagine our Parents and Friends Association.
On the night we collected a lot of information from the parents on how they would like to see us communicate with parents and to ensure parents have a voice and feel welcome at our College. We also looked at ways this could occur to allow parents to be more involved in their children's schooling.
We would now like a follow-up meeting with parents to consolidate the information.
The next meeting will be Monday 26 June in the College Library @ 6 pm, we invite all Parents K - 12 again to attend and have their say.
Just meeting together is such a positive experience but to be able to meet to create a stronger bond between parents and the school is such a privilege and we hope to see many of you present on this night.
COMPASS Sign-in Update

Down Load the app so you are always up to date with school events.
Remember to check Compass for up-to-date news and information on events
and contact us on 7256 2116 for enquiries.