MacKillop Chronicles 2023 Term 3, Week 4
Thursday 10 August, 2023
College Photos - Order online now
First Holy Communion
Year 12 Visual Arts Exhibition
Little Lighthouse Playgroup
Primary Matters
Read, Grow Inspire - Book Week 2023
Monthly Youth Group and Mass
Tuning Into Kids Parenting Program
Secondary News
Santa Maria Festival
Changes to School Fee Payments
Getting to know Ms Kathy Yates
Indigenous Literacy Foundation 2nd hand Book Sale
COMPASS Sign-in Update
Thursday 10 August, 2023

On Tuesday 8 August, MCC celebrated our Feast Day and 20th Anniversary Mass. The Mass was co-concelebrated by Fr Philip and Fr Brian Moloney, the inaugural parish priest. Fr Brian Moloney also recounted the role he played in the development of what we know today as MacKillop Catholic College and St Mary of the Cross MacKillop Parish, Warnervale. We also welcomed special guests who helped shape the College over the years the the strong community it is today.
We found out this week we have a Gold Medal Champion at MCC. Year 9 student Cohan S recently went to compete for Australia in both soccer and basketball at the World Dwarf Games in Germany. Cohan is returning with a gold medal for basketball as well as being awarded "the King of the Court' (player of the tournament) for his outstanding skills and sportsmanship during the games. Remember to congratulate Cohan when he returns to school.
NSW Premier's Reading Challenge - The Challenge aims to encourage a love of reading for leisure and pleasure in students and to enable them to experience quality literature. It is not a competition but a challenge to each student to read, to read more and to read more widely. The Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC) is open to all NSW students in Kindergarten to Year 10, in government, independent, Catholic and home schools. Our students have been reading their way through the list of books included in the challenge since February but their time is coming to an end. The challenge ends on Friday 18 August.
Parents of students in Year 7 are being invited to attend an information session about JUMP, our MCC Outreach Program. The session will be held on Tuesday 22 August in the College Library, starting at 6pm. You will learn about how the program works and what your child is required to do in order to complete the minimum 15 hours of service. More information about the event can be found on COMPASS and in this letter: JUMP Year 7 Welcome Letter.
This week, students from Years 8 and 9, along with Mrs Swords and Mrs Mylchreest attended Camp Breakaway at San Remo. Our students and staff helped at the respite camp by running the 'Special Olympics' with attendees. They all had a wonderful time and are very much looking forward to their next visit.
As the HSC trials draw closer to an end, we continue to keep these students in our thoughts and prayers. 'Trust yourself, you know more than you think' Benjamin Spoke
Remember to check Compass for up-to-date news and information on events
and contact us on 7256 2116 for enquiries.
College Photos - Order online now
College photos are fast approaching, they are being held over 3 days in Week 6:
Monday 21 August – secondary students and secondary only families
Tuesday 22 August – primary students and primary only families
Wed 23 August – Year 12, families with children across K-12, staff
Students are to wear their full winter uniforms.
Orders can only be placed online via the photographer's Newcastle School Portraits website using our Collegel code 310900.
No money will be taken at MCC so please login and start ordering now.

First Holy Communion
Sacrament of First Holy Communion
If your child is in Year 4 or older and you would like him/her to receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion (First Eucharist), a program is beginning at St Mary of the Cross MacKillop Parish at Warnervale in August.
An information session for parents was held on Tuesday evening and the first student session is Sunday 14 August.
For more details contact the parish office 8379 1740 or email
Year 12 Visual Arts Exhibition

Little Lighthouse Playgroup

Little Lighthouse Playgroup happens every Friday during Term time in our Primary Multi-Purpose Room from 9.30 am - 11.00 am. Little Lighthouse welcomes all families in the community with children aged 0-6 to have some fun together.
Our playgroup is a safe and friendly environment run by parent/carer volunteers. Please bring your own morning tea and sun hat.
This week our Little Lighthousers will be exploring the primary outdoor playspace. Bring a friend and connect with other families from MCC, the parish and the community.
For more information, please contact our Parent Engagement Coordinator: Lucy Marien
Primary Matters

Dear Community,
19th Sunday Ordinary Time Gospel Account
"O you of little faith, why did you doubt? “Matthew 14: 22-33. ‘Oligopiste’ is a Greek term meaning little faith. It is often used to describe toddlers struggling with such things as walking and falling over. Peter saw Jesus on the water in the raging storm and he yelled out to Jesus who said leave the boat and walk to me on the water. He did as Jesus asked and was truly walking on water, but then the faith and trust in Jesus evaporated as he was caught up in the monstrous earthly storm. Fear took over and he began to sink, appealing for Jesus to help, which he did. Our faith is a bit like the toddler. We have a go and invest time and prayer and worship, but then earthly thinking takes over us and we, like Peter begin to sink. Have faith in the risen Lord. Give him your troubles and believe in him. Pray each day and each night and always trust in Jesus.
St Mary of the Cross MacKillop Feast Day
What a wonderful way to celebrate our feast day and to mark our 20th anniversary with a beautiful Eucharistic liturgy concelebrated by Fr Phillip and Fr Brian. The children were simply wonderful as the ceremony was quite long. All were suitably pleased leaving with a special 20th Celebration school badge. The army of parents who cooked the sausage sizzle for the children to enjoy and the tabloid events in the afternoon were enjoyed by all. My sincere thanks to the parents and staff who made this milestone a memorable day for all. The funds raised from the sausage sizzle totalled close to $2000 which we donated to Mary Mac’s at Woy Woy who feed the homeless each and every day.

Footy, Netball, ICAS Tests and Number One in Athletics
This week we had multiple teams travel to Sydney, Newcastle and beyond to compete in the Rugby League and State netball championships. We also have a number of children sitting their ICAS assessments and our school was crowned the Central Coast Catholic Schools Athletics Champions. It was wonderful to also learn that many students had been selected to enter the Broken Bay Athletics Carnival in the coming weeks. My sincere thanks to all of the staff and parents for helping the children achieve their goals!

Kinder Yana begins in Week 5
We are looking forward to welcoming our new Kinder 2024 students as they begin their Big School journey with us in our Yana program next week. During this time, parents and the children, will work on investigative play-based tasks and begin to navigate their way around our College. Next year will be the biggest intake of kindergarten students in our school’s history and we now have waiting lists. The children will come on either Tuesday or Wednesday for the next four weeks between 9:15 and 10:45 in the current kindergarten rooms.
Curriculum Information Notes – Save the Dates
On Tuesday, 22 August at 6:30 pm, Mrs Shilling and Mrs Whitmore will conduct an information session on the new syllabus documents for English and Maths, K – 2. On the following Tuesday, 29 August, they will repeat the session, but the focus will be on Years 3 – 6. Look out for registration information in the coming weeks. Come and hear from our teacher coaches who will talk about the what, why and how of English and Maths for primary-aged students.
Numeracy in 3 Wattle
Over the past weeks, 3 Wattle has been learning about 3D objects, including making comparisons and describing the features of cubes, pyramids, spheres, cones and cylinders. Students brainstormed what they knew about 3D objects and sketched them. The students had great fun creating 3D objects using nets with success. We encourage all students to look for and identify real-world examples of these 3D objects around them at home.

Whole School Public Speaking Competition
This week the students began learning about public speaking and how it is used to persuade, inform and/or entertain people. The children will be taught how to write a speech/poem and the strategies to deliver the speech in front of an audience. Most of our public figures and politicians are good public speakers who have their speeches written for them. Each student will deliver a speech in front of their class peers and then from there, some will be selected to participate in public speaking finals held in Week 7 beginning 28 August. If your child is selected to participate in the finals, you most certainly can help them with speech cards and delivering the speeches. The place-getters from each stage will receive medallions.
Key Compass Events
Please be mindful of other key events coming up for the rest of the term. There is a full week of Book Week, Fathers’ Day events, Gala Days, Cluster Public Speaking and Debating, K – 2 Learn to Swim and Broken Bay sporting events. Your one source of truth is the Compass app so please use it always!
Leave Arrangements
At the end of next week, I will be on Long Service Leave till the end of the term. In my absence, Mrs Kenney will be Acting Principal, Mr Snelling Acting Assistant Principal and Mrs Whitmore Acting Religious Education Coordinator.
A Thought for the Week …
“Do not try to force anything. Let life be a deep let-go. See God opening millions of flowers every day without forcing the buds.” Bhagwan.
God Bless
Frank Cohen
Primary Principal

Read, Grow Inspire - Book Week 2023

Term 3 Week 7
Get prepared MCC, this week is going to be EPIC! Check out the inspiring activities carefully curated to grow your love of reading our library staff have planned for you.
Monday 28 August – Friday 1 September
Scholastic Book Fair - Book Fairs | Scholastic Australia
On display in the library all week before/after school and during breaks.
Books suitable for ages 0 - teens, Cash/EFTPOS welcome
Tuesday 29 August
Kinder YANA Book Week Parade
Details TBC
Wednesday 30 August
K-12 Book Parade Day
Hall 10.30-11.55 (7-12 – join K-6 during B1 11.20-11.55)
Thursday 31 August
Book Week Speaker with Paul Macdonald
9-9:45 Kindergarten in the library
9:50-10:35 Year 2 in the library
11:25-12:10 Year 3-4 in the Theatre
12:10-1:00 pm Year 5-6 in the Theatre
2:00-2:45 Year 1 in the library
Friday 1 September
Father's Day BBQ Brekkie & Books
9.00 - 9.30 - celebrating Fathers’ Day and Book Week – after the Fathers’ Day Liturgy and BBQ, Dads/Carers can visit their child/ren’s class to read their favourite children's book. A special Fathers vs Children sporting event will happen also for our Stage 3 students. Stay tuned for more details.
Years 7 – 10 Book Week Speaker Paul Macdonald - all year groups in theatre
9:20-10:20 Year 7
10:20-11:20 Year 8
1:00-2:00 Year 9
2:20-3:20 Year 10
Monthly Youth Group and Mass

Our next Youth Group & Mass is Sunday 27 August, so bring a friend and come along to have some fun! Youth Group starts at 4 pm, followed by the Youth Mass at 5 pm and BBQ after Mass. RSVP here: August Youth Group and Mass
This is open for all school-aged children K-12.
Tuning Into Kids Parenting Program

MacKillop is hoping to offer the Tuning into Kids parent program in partnership with Uniting, depending on interest and meeting minimum registrations.
The program offers practical tools to help you build emotional intelligence in your child and manage challenging behaviour. It is specifically for parents and carers of children 12 and under, to help 'tune in' and improve communication and connection with their children. The program has been heavily researched, is evidence-based and has been delivered internationally.
It will be offered over 5 sessions from 1-3 pm in school time (day TBC). Please register your interest with Lucy Marien, Parent Engagement Coordinator and feel free to include any preferred days and times.
Secondary News

From the Secondary Principal
Newsletter Term 3 Week 4
Prayer: Mary MacKillop’s Feast Day
God of the prophets you gifted Mary MacKillop with vision and courage.
In her, we see one who was not afraid to speak fearlessly your gospel of love.
We pray for the sensitivity and imagination to read the signs of our times, and to articulate new possibilities for our own day.
Like Mary, may we learn to confront all that is oppressive and unjust, and empower others towards true freedom and integrity.
Spirit of wisdom, be with us as we face new horizons.
St Mary of the Cross
Pray for us
Mary MacKillop’s Feast Day and our 20th Anniversary:
MacKillop Catholic College accepted its first Year 7 cohort in 2003. Now 20 years later the College has grown from 13 teachers and 131 students to a school of nearly 1600 with 150 staff. We have seen many changes and we are thrilled to celebrate our 20th anniversary.
Last Tuesday was also Mary MacKillop’s Feast Day and so a large day of celebration for our entire College.
Every student and staff member received a 20th anniversary badge and the traditional M&Ms. Badges were also given to all who attended on the day including parishioners, parents, special guests and former staff. The beautiful K-12 Mass was concelebrated by Fr Philip and Fr Brian Moloney, who was the inaugural parish priest. Following Mass, our special guests attended a lovely morning tea.
After communion, I spoke on behalf of the teachers who have been at MacKillop since 2003 and shared a PowerPoint showing many pictures of the last 20 years.
In the afternoon all the students across K-12 were engaged in games and performances to celebrate our Feast Day. Here is what students opted to do in Secondary on our Feast Day afternoon.

In the words of Mary MacKillop of “never seeing a need without doing something about it” our school, along with every other diocesan school, also collected a gold coin from each student to go to Mary Macs at Woy Woy.
Keep an eye out as members of our Parent Group are also looking at a night out for all parents to celebrate our 20th year.
What is Mary Macs?
Mary Mac’s traditionally supplies a sit-down meal served to our companions by our wonderful volunteers. But it’s more than just a place to get a meal – it provides connection, value and belonging without judgement. Mary Mac’s offers a place to shower and to wash clothes. They offer friendly support and companionship to address the experience of isolation and loneliness of some vulnerable people in our community.
Mary Mac’s can provide a pathway to other services like Legal Aid, homelessness support services and health assistance. With assistance from community partners, a selection of food is available daily as a take home for those in need, and from time-to-time they can provide food hampers.
Mary Mac’s provides social, community and friendship opportunities for men, women, families, young people, the elderly, and the socially and economically disadvantaged.
It was commenced by parishioners of St John the Baptist Church Woy Woy, and the work has continued through Catholic Care, supported by many volunteers. They rely solely on donations.

We have a World Gold Medallist:
The Dwarf World Games are completed and we are so proud that Cohan Szypica will be bringing home a gold medal for Australia in basketball!! He absolutely dominated and got King of the Court (player of the tournament). We are so incredibly proud! We cannot wait to have him tell us all about this.

Year 12 CSSA Trial Exams:
These have continued all this week and will end on Monday next week. We have been very impressed with our Senior class throughout this time.
Japanese Sister School:
We were so excited to have our Sister School Nihon Daiichi visit us again after 4 years. They arrived on Monday 24 July, and left on Sunday 6 August. We welcomed 20 students and 3 staff, Assistant Principal Mr Hatoyama, Mr Yuhara and Ms Endo. It was lovely to be able to do this face-to-face again. Last year we did an exchange via Zoom, but this was so much better.
One thing that we have found interesting is that in Japan, school students at Nichidai still must wear masks to school. Even when they are eating, they only pull their masks down to eat and then back up. The Nichidai students only took off their masks 5 minutes before they arrived at MacKillop. So the students had never seen each other’s whole faces.
We have had many fun times in the two weeks, from English and music lessons, dance, and cooking, as well as visiting and enjoying activities with Year 5 primary students. We all visited The Reptile Park together; this was a great afternoon. The students got to feed the animals and have their photos taken with the koalas. We wish to thank all the staff that helped this visit be such a success.
On Friday, we had a farewell assembly run by Mr Kilham and the Year 11 Japanese students. This was attended by all of Year 5 as well as host students and families. The students involved in the exchange were presented with certificates and the Japanese students read out thank you letters to their host students.
This was then followed by a school assembly where they performed three items, a dance to Jamboree Mickey, followed by them singing 'Its a Small World' and finally Soran Bushi, a fisherman dance.
On Friday afternoon the Year 11 hospitality students as well as Mr Murphy, Mrs Pearce and Mrs King helped prepare a BBQ to enjoy together. The Japanese students prepared a festival with many games. The host students and families were invited to enjoy the afternoon together.
We cannot thank the host students and families enough, without you this experience would not be possible. Many friendships have been made again and as language teachers this has made Mr Kilham and Mrs Beech very happy.
We look forward to seeing them again next year and then visiting them next September in Japan.

Academic Excellence Awards Semester 1:
Last Friday we experienced an enjoyable assembly and we were so grateful and pleased with the large number of parents present. It commenced with the farewell to our Japanese Sister School who also performed for us. We then continued with the academic assembly for Semester 1. Almost 300 awards were presented, illustrating the number of students who excel in various areas. These awards honour those hard-working students and, hopefully, encourage all to aspire to gain awards at the end of the year.
Term 3, Week 7, 28 August – 1 Sept
Book Week is always a wonderful time in our school calendar to celebrate books and reading.
We love this year's Book Week theme, READ, GROW, INSPIRE, and hope that through opportunities to read our students will expand their minds and find inspiration to explore the world around them!
On Wednesday, 30 August we will have our Annual Book Week Parade. All staff and students from Kinder to Year 12 are asked to dress as a book character. K-6 students will begin the Book Parade at 10.30 and Year 7-12 will join the fun in the hall during Break 1 at 11.20. There will be prizes for the best costumes in each Year group from Year 7-12.
On Friday, 1 September students in Years 7-10 will listen to our guest speaker Paul MacDonald. Paul is an author, owner of The Children’s Bookshop in Sydney and an expert in children’s and teen literature.
Leading up to Book Week we will start advertising various competitions and events so please check Compass for Book Week updates.

Homelessness Week
Last week was Homelessness Week (August 7- 13). Students from JUMP MacKillop participated in cooking dinner at Coast Shelter Gosford. The monthly visit to Coast Shelter increases awareness of homelessness whilst providing dinner for some of the Central Coast's most vulnerable people.

MacKillop’s Montana-Rose takes her soccer skills to Kansas City
Former MCC student Montana reflected on her journey through our Catholic Schools Broken Bay Sporting Pathways, which have shaped her development and opened the door for an incredible overseas tertiary education experience. Montana attended MacKillop from Kindergarten to Year 12 and was a Senior Student Parliament Leader.
'It was actually my participation in primary Broken Bay girls’ soccer pathway that led me to where I am today. I made the Broken Bay team all the way back in Year Five. However, it was the immense disappointment after being unsuccessful in making the Polding team, that led me to realise how much I loved the sport, and how I wanted to start taking it more seriously. I made the Polding team and narrowly missed out on the state team the following year.
During High school, I realised I wanted to take my football even more seriously. After being spotted during a couple of my games, I was offered a spot at Northern Tigers in 2019 playing in the youth program which competes in the first division of the NPL. This decision led to many challenges, such as having to commute all the way to Sydney multiple times a week to play and train due to living on the Central Coast.
I continued my school soccer journey making the Broken Bay open girls team in Year 8, captaining the side in Year 12, and then onto assisting with selection this year.
I will be leaving at the end of July to start my Pre-Season in Kansas City at Johnson County Community College. The date is swiftly approaching, and it is something I look towards with excitement and nervousness. I know the next four years of my life are not completely certain and planned out compared to if I had decided to stay on the coast and go to a local university. However, I know that these next years bring with them many new life lessons, experiences and will mould me into a better athlete and player in the sport that I love.'

Pictured with 2023 MacKillop Opens Football Team
Important Dates for T3 Week 5:
- Mon- Fri –WYD away Mon and Tues / Yr 12 HSC Trial exams on Monday only / VET Work placement / Science Week
- Tues - Feast of the Assumption/ HSC Dance Day / Yr 9 Intro to their Camp
- Wed – K-12 Tuition afternoon
- Thurs – Dance Eisteddfod
- Fri –assembly- parents always welcome
New Phone System:
Our new number is 7256 2116. We do expect that issues and problems may arise for the next few weeks, so please be patient whilst we work through any hiccups with the new system.
Final Word
If you have any questions or concerns as always, please contact the College.
Remember to check COMPASS, our website and, our Facebook pages for information.
God bless.
Debra Ferguson
Secondary Principal
Santa Maria Festival
The Central Coast Santa Maria Committee would like to invite you to help celebrate the feast of Santa Maria this Sunday 13 August. Mass will be celebrated at St Mary of the Cross MacKillop Parish Warnervale at 3 pm followed by a procession at 4 pm with benediction after. There will be fireworks at 6 pm. Please note that there will be no 5 pm Mass on this day.


Technology and online spaces are full of opportunities for connection and entertainment, however, they also come with risks and responsibilities. Live webinars from the eSafety Commissioner give parents and carers the knowledge, skills and tools to support their children to have safe online experiences.
Multiple dates in Term 3: Online boundaries and consent
Multiple dates in Term 3: Getting the most out of gaming
31 August 2023: Online relationships and consent: Sending nudes and sexting
Multiple dates in Term 3: Getting started with social media: TikTok, YouTube, Instagram
For more information regarding these webinars and to book please visit: eSaftey Parent Webinars
15 August 2023: Online relationships and consent- Sending nudes and sexting.
This 30-minute webinar is designed for parents and carers of young people in Secondary school. It will cover, the impact of sharing nude images without consent, practical suggestions for starting the chat about respectful relationships, consent and pressure to send nudes, where to get support for a young person who has experienced abuse, and the impact of sharing nude images without consent.
Register here: Online Relationships and Consent webinar
Changes to School Fee Payments
Changes to payment method of School Fees via Qkr and Direct Deposit from Term 3 2023
Catholic Schools Broken Bay is moving to a new finance system and there are changes to the following payment methods:
Qkr Payment of school fees via Qkr will no longer be accepted from Term 3 2023.
Direct Deposit If you have an arrangement in place to pay your school fees via Direct Deposit to the school bank account, this facility will not be available from Term 3 2023.
Our preferred payment method for payment of school fees is BPay and your monthly Fee Statement includes the BPay Reference number and Biller Code. Catholic Schools Broken Bay Biller Code accepts BPay payments from a credit card.
We thank you for your support as we transition to the new finance system.
Getting to know Ms Kathy Yates

Name: Kathy Yates
Occupation: Leader of Learning- English
What this Role is responsible for: As the Leader of Learning for English I look after the day-to-day running of the English Faculty. I have eleven great teachers who help me ensure that all students at MacKillop get access to a fantastic English course.
Hobbies/ Interests: I love reading just about anything but a good fantasy or science fiction novel is my go-to. My current read is from a Young Adult Fiction series- Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard. I have also enjoyed all the Sarah J Maas books. See Mrs Crowe in the library if you want to check them out.
Hopes for the future: I would love to go back to Europe. When I was last there I visited the filming location of Dragonstone Castle from the novel and Foxtel series Game of Thrones. It is on the tiny island of San Juan de Gaztelugatxe on the north coast of Spain. It was an amazing experience!
Most looking forward to at MacKillop in 2023: Helping all my students achieve their best.
Indigenous Literacy Foundation 2nd hand Book Sale
In Weeks 9-10 this term, Mini Macs and the Library will be hosting the Indigenous Literacy Foundation 2nd Hand Book Sale. We would like to ask parents to donate good quality 2nd hand books that we can sell to raise money for the foundation (all books will sell for 50c each).
Donated books can be sent to the Library anytime from now.
The Indigenous Literacy Foundation will use the money raised to “help provide culturally relevant books and learning resources to children and families living in remote Communities across Australia. Donations also support the publishing of books written by Communities, for Communities, in languages of their choice.”

COMPASS Sign-in Update

Download the app so you are always up to date with school events.
Remember to check Compass for up-to-date news and information on events
and contact us on 7256 2116 for enquiries.