MacKillop Chronicles Term 2, Week 5
Thursday 30 May, 2024
A Message From Our College Principal
Primary Matters
Primary Events
Eileen O’Connor Catholic School Parent and Student Survey.
Secondary News
Host Family Opportunities K - 12
Religious Creative Arts Competition 2024
Free Parenting Training and Support
Mary's Faithful Wardrobe and Mary's Formal Closet
Term 2 Dates
Thursday 30 May, 2024

A Message From Our College Principal

Dear Families,
Aspire Student Leadership Formation
As part of the 2024 Strategic Plan, we have focused our attention on building a new student leadership framework designed to offer greater scope and responsibility to emerging leaders across the entire school. I am delighted to share the new student leadership structure with you. I would like to thank the Primary and Secondary staff who have been working so diligently to develop a comprehensive handbook to explain all aspects of the student roles and the voting processes. I would also like to thank the current Student Leadership Cabinet for their feedback and words of wisdom.

Uniform and Grooming Policy
A huge thanks to all the parents who took their children to cut haircuts over the weekend. I thank you for the many emails of support that Mr Lynch and I have received about the recent changes. I also thank the students who have chosen to wear their uniform with pride and for always doing ‘the right thing’. You are a credit to the College!
Secondary Staffing Update
It is with mixed emotions that I inform you that Ms Lia Camilleri has resigned from her position as an RE teacher at the College to take up a new role as an RE teacher at a Sydney school. We thank Ms Camilleri for her 20 years of committed service to the College and her genuine passion for the students in her care. We also bid farewell to Ms Jennifer Walters has taken a new role outside of the Diocese. We thank Ms Walters for her committed service to the College and to Catholic Education more broadly, where she has worked within the Diocese for the past twelve years.
Mr Lynch has begun the process of employing new staff to ensure the continuity of teaching due to these vacancies
Camps and Costs
This is just a reminder that if your child misses camp for any reason, they will require a medical certificate for the family to claim costs.
Parent Communication
As outlined in the Catholic Schools Broken Bay Parent Charter, building positive relationships between all stakeholders in a child’s education is based on mutual respect and trust that results in supporting the improvement of student learning. I have been disappointed to read some inappropriate comments written by parents on our digital platform that undermine the principles of respectful communication and do not align with our College values. I am especially disappointed to read disparaging comments regarding our Catholic faith, our staff, and the Diocese of Broken Bay. In sending your child to a Catholic school, such as ours, means that prayer, eucharistic celebrations, liturgy and traditions associated with the Catholic Church remain central to our vision and mission and to the education of our students.
While we continue to recognise the importance of providing avenues for families to support open dialogue, it is important that all communication remains respectful of diverse opinions. Online behaviour should reflect the same standards of respect and consideration used in face-to-face interactions and also be in accordance with our values. We have continued to welcome open communication in the spirit of parent engagement and look forward to continuing our Morning Coffee Chats and Zoom Evening Chats with parents and Principals. If you would like to discuss any matter regarding the education of your child, then you will find us receptive to personal meetings with any of the Principals.
I thank all families for their ongoing support and commitment to our College community. I am affirmed that we will move forward from this matter that only represents a minority and that respect and goodwill will prevail.
God Bless,
Tanya Appleby,
College Principal
Primary Matters

Corpus Christi Sunday
Gospel Acclamation:
“I am the living bread from heaven, says the Lord; whoever eats this bread will live forever.” Jn 6:51-52
Dear Parents and Carers,
Message from the Principal
Friday, 31 May, is the Feast of Our Lady Star of the Sea, the Patroness of the Diocese of Broken Bay. This is also the Feast of the Visitation, which celebrates the visit of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, with her kinswoman Elizabeth, who was also with child. Both women shared the incredible joy of impending birth. These Women are Blessed, as were the children they carried. As our students recite and learn the Angelus prayer, the ‘Hail Mary’ becomes a meaningful devotion. The line ‘Blessed are you amongst women and Blessed is the fruit of your womb Jesus’ becomes real in this meeting.
This Sunday is the Feast of Corpus Christi, where the focus is on the Blessed Sacrament of Holy Eucharist. When Jesus spoke to His disciples at the Last Supper, He told them that He would always be with them when they gathered to break bread. From this Sunday’s Gospel, according to Mark, ‘While they were eating, he took bread, said the blessing, broke it, gave it to them, and said, 'Take it; this is my body.' Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them, and they all drank from it. He said to them, 'This is my blood of the covenant, which will be shed for many' (Mark 14:22-24). ‘Do this in memory of me.’ This feast day reminds us to recall the joyous aspect of Holy Thursday, as Jesus, in his own words, by instituting the Holy Eucharist, gave to the Church her greatest treasure, one which we share at Mass.
1 Banksia Displaying Their Pentecost Artwork

Kiss and Drop Gates closed at 9 am
As of Monday, 27 May, the Kiss and Drop gates are closed at 9 am. This measure is in place to address concerns regarding student safety. If you arrive after this time, we ask that your children enter the College via the Main Entrance and sign in via the student kiosk in the student office. Thank you for your cooperation.
Congratulations to the students who represent the College with pride in a variety of sports. Already in a few short months, we have seen swimming, netball, cross country, hockey, athletics and all codes of football, AFL, Rugby League, Union, Touch and soccer. Many students participate in gala days for fun and friendship, while others continue through rarer experiences of intense competition. Some students shine in their chosen field, and others are brave enough to ‘give it a go’.
Our Year 4 students have enjoyed the company and leadership of our Year 11 students. All of these experiences are a chance to be involved in teamwork, cooperation and collaboration. Thank you for encouraging your children to participate with a fair and grateful spirit. Congratulations to Mrs. Denneman and the PE Team, who work so hard to provide opportunities for our students to find joy in the freedom and physicality of human movement.
Wellbeing Week
Each term we take time to recharge our batteries for learning with some fun activities. This term our SRC students have been running activities for the students at recess and lunch; they also organised a colouring-in competition.
Activities have been run during break time, which included Skipping, chalk drawing, obstacle course and handball.

Debating Success for Year 6 Team
We're thrilled to share the exciting news of our Year 6 debating team's recent triumph! In a riveting contest against St. John Fisher, our debaters showcased their eloquence, critical thinking, and teamwork as they tackled the topic from the negative side. It was a closely fought battle, with both teams displaying impressive skills and dedication.
After a spirited exchange of arguments, rebuttals, and counterpoints, we're proud to announce that MacKillop emerged victorious! Their hard work, preparation, and determination paid off, earning them a well-deserved win.
Congratulations to our Year 6 debaters, Bindu, Nate, William, Katherine, and Annabelle, on their outstanding achievements!

Blessings for a wonderful week.
Kerry Power
Acting Primary Principal
Primary Events
Upcoming Events | |
Week 6 | |
Sun June 2 | Corpus Christi Confirmation Session 2 |
Mon 3 June | |
Tue 4 Jun | |
Wed 5 Jun | NSW CPS Cross-Country |
Thu 6 Jun | |
Fri 7 Jun | |
Week 7 | |
Sun 9 Jun | 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time No Confirmation Session |
Mon 10 Jun | King’s Birthday Long Weekend |
Tues 11 Jun | |
Wed 12 Jun | Year 1 Excursion Tocal Homestead |
Thu 13 Jun | Rescheduled Isabelle Kelly Cup Years 5 and 6 |
Fri 14 Jun | Polding Touch Footy Primary Assembly 1.20 pm Winter Sleepout |
Week 8 | |
Sun 16 Jun | Confirmation Session 3 |
Mon 17 Jun | |
Tue 18 Jun | NSWPSSA Rugby League |
Wed 19 Jun | |
Thu 20 Jun | |
Fri 21 Jun | Kindergarten Excursion Australian Reptile Park |
Week 9 | |
Sun 23 Jun | Confirmation Session 4 - 4 pm Year 3 Community Mass 5 pm |
Mon 24 Jun | |
Tues 25 Jun | |
Wed 26 Jun | |
Thu 27 Jun | |
Fri 28 Jun | Primary Reports available |
Sat 29 Jun | Confirmation Ceremony 11 am |
Eileen O’Connor Catholic School Parent and Student Survey.
Eileen O’Connor Catholic School will provide quality Catholic education for students with a disability from Kindergarten to Year 12. Collaborating in the Mission, focusing on human flourishing, using Christ’s example to serve, we believe that every child is a unique individual created by God and valued as an individual learner with strengths, gifts, and talents.
Eileen O’Connor Catholic School (EOCS) will provide a flexible and responsive model of education for students with disability through the structure of a Base School located in Tuggerah and a network of Support Classes in local parish schools across Broken Bay.
Catholic Schools Broken Bay currently has Eileen O’Connor Support Classes for students with a disability at St Martin’s Catholic School at Davidson, St Brendan’s Catholic School at Lake Munmorah and Prouille Catholic Primary School, Wahroonga.
Engaging with our schools and the wider community has been and will continue to be a priority to ensure we seek feedback, gain further insights, and give opportunities to update as we progress to fulfilling our vision of providing an inclusive model of education for students with disabilities focused on strengths to promote engagement, enable learning growth, and flourish.
We now seek further engagement and consultation and would appreciate your time in completing this brief survey. For more information, please visit
Secondary News

Dear Community,
Attendance / Signing Out
In the event that you need your child to leave the College during the school day its vitally important that the following process is followed.
- The parent enters a note on Compass for their child to leave early.
- The student must sign-out on departure at the Front Office or the parent on arrival to collect their child signs them out
- It is also advantageous if parents email the College, call or do a handwritten note to indicate the need for their child to leave early.
When students fail to sign out using the process described above, it can have serious impacts during lockdowns and evacuations.
Year 7 Camp
I’m writing this note just minutes before I head off to Year 7 Camp for the night and tomorrow's activities. Camps are such important events on the College calendar for a variety of reasons.
Social and Emotional Benefits
- Fosters peer bonding and strengthens friendships through shared experiences and teamwork activities.
- Develops social skills like communication, empathy, and collaboration by working together towards common goals.
- Builds self-confidence and resilience by stepping out of comfort zones and overcoming challenges.
- Promotes independence and responsibility by being away from parents and making personal choices.
Physical and Outdoor Benefits
- Encourages physical activity through outdoor pursuits.
- Provides a screen-free environment and digital detox from technology.
- Allows students to connect with nature and develop an appreciation for the environment.
- Exposes students to new experiences and activities they may not get otherwise.
Educational Benefits
- Reinforces classroom learning through practical outdoor activities and problem-solving challenges.
- Facilitates stronger student-teacher relationships in a different setting.
- Offers opportunities for personal growth, character building, and life skill development.
In summary, school camps provide a unique setting for students to develop socially, emotionally, physically, and educationally through immersive outdoor experiences. These experiences foster personal growth and create lasting memories. Apart from all those reasons, camps are simply great fun.
Finally, a huge thank you to the teachers who supported the students at Year 7 Camp. I appreciate that these teachers are taking time away from their own families to give our kids at MCC such a wonderful, worthwhile opportunity, and I’m deeply grateful for that.

Using Our Voices Seminar
Our Year 9 Parliament attended the ‘Using Our Voices' seminar run by the Josephite Justice Network. These students engaged in a variety of opportunities and learnt how they, as young leaders, can express their opinions and make real changes within their community. They also learnt, in particular, how they can approach local MPs, which they intend to do regarding the upcoming Winter Appeal to discuss issues surrounding homelessness and the housing crisis.

2024 Apprenticeship/Traineeship & Jobs Expos Central Coast
Students in Years 10, 11, and 12 looking at a career in a Trade need to save this date: Tuesday, 13 August from 3 pm to 7 pm. The 2024 Apprenticeship/Traineeship & Jobs Expos Central Coast will be at Mingara Recreation Club. It's free entry and is the perfect opportunity for students, parents, and job seekers to speak with potential employers and training providers.

Aspire Student Leadership Formation
Our 2023/2024 Student Parliament Leaders had the opportunity to work with Mrs Appleby and Mr Lynch to define the leadership team's role and responsibilities for future students at MCC. This experience gave them insights into developing job descriptions and organisational flowcharts, an experience that will leave a legacy for their term in parliament at our College.

Some Important Dates for Term 2
29-31 May Year 7 Camp
17-18 June Secondary Leadership Retreat
27-28 June Parent Teacher interviews
4 July Last Day of Term
5 July CSBB Professional Learning Day - STUDENT FREE DAY
God Bless,
Paul Lynch
Acting Principal Secondary
Host Family Opportunities K - 12
Once again, in 2024, MacKillop Catholic College will welcome our sister school, Nihon University Daiichi Junior High School, from Tokyo, Japan. As part of the upcoming visit from Sunday, 27 July, until Sunday, 11 August, we need the help of our MCC community to host the Nihon Daiichi students for the duration of their stay.
Throughout the two-week visit, host families are kindly asked to provide a home away from home. This is a cultural immersion for the Japanese students who would participate in your daily life, sharing meals, accommodation, and travel to and from school with their host brother or sister.
We are looking for families to host 25 students this year. If you are interested in finding out more about being a host family, please email Mrs Beech or Mr Kilham.

Religious Creative Arts Competition 2024
The Religious Creative Arts Competition is a well-established event at Catholic Schools Broken Bay and has been running for the past 10 years. Many talented artists over the years have been recognised for their skill and creativity.
One of the key elements of the competition is how students demonstrate their understanding of and connection to the religious theme. In 2024 the theme is one of the CSBB core values, JOY. “May the God of hope fill you with joy”. (Romans 15:13)
Students will be required to link their creative piece directly to the religious theme by answering the question; How is this theme lived out or demonstrated today? As well as creating an artwork, short film, dance, drama or music piece, students will need to write a 150-word explanation (maximum 150 word count) to accompany their artwork. Students can use the 150 words to outline how their artwork connects with the theme.
Students will plan, prepare and work on their creative pieces during Term 2 and 3. Submissions will need to be handed in to schools by Aug 16, Week 4 of Term 3.
These finalists be featured at the ‘Showcase Night’ to be held at the Hornsby RSL at 5:30pm on 13 November, 2024.
The 2024 Religious Creative Arts Competition is open to all CSBB school students from Kindergarten to Year 10.

Melissa V won 3rd Prize in 2022

Free Parenting Training and Support
Here is a list of some free training and support options for parents and carers:
Triple P Parenting free online programs:
- Triple P Online for Baby - for parents and carers to be or with a baby under 12 months old
- Triple P Online - for parents and carers of children under 12 years
- Fear-Less Triple P - online program for parents/carers of anxious kids (from age 6+)
- Family Transitions Triple P - online program for parents going through separation or divorce to support children to manage their emotions and develop good coping skills.
ForWhen free national helpline:
- Provides new and expecting parents (mums, dads, and guardians) with a supportive mental health navigation service throughout the perinatal journey, from conception up to 12 months old.
- Co-designed by parents and mental health experts and funded by the Australian Government, this app aims to be a resource for parents and carers to support the social and emotional wellbeing of children aged 0 to 12.
- Free evidence-based digital resources for perinatal depression and anxiety to support the emotional health of new and expecting mums.
- Free online program designed for family and friends (over 18yrs), who support someone over 18yrs who has attempted suicide.
** Also a reminder that the funding for LivingWorks to provide free suicide prevention training concludes at the end of June. This includes:
- Start (90 mins online, learn to connect people to help)
- safeTALK (3-4 hours in person, unpack myths and learn skills to connect someone for support)
- ASIST (2 days in person, learn suicide first aid intervention).
Mary's Faithful Wardrobe and Mary's Formal Closet
Our amazing PEC (Parent Engagement Coordinator), Lucy Marien, in collaboration with our Parish, have developed a community wardrobe for families to borrow special outfits for their child's sacrament celebrations.
Mrs Marien is also starting a Formal version for our Secondary students looking for a special graduation dress or suit.
We are currently looking for donations to get the clothing library started. We are asking the community to go through their wardrobes and consider giving your forgotten good-quality items a new purpose.
For full details, please see the flyers below.

Term 2 Dates
Term 2
Term 2 – Tuesday, 30 April to Thursday, 4 July
Monday 29 April – Staff Development Day/Student Free Day K – 12
Public Holiday – Monarch’s official birthday – Monday, 10 June
Friday 5 July – Staff Development Day/Student Free Day K – 12